Sunday, August 26, 2012

End of Week 1

WOW!!!! What a stellar class we have. The students are learning their C.A.T.S. pride and are really showing what great Thornwilde students they are! On Friday, we sang the Scientific Method Song over the announcements. It was a lot of fun and the students did an amazing job! Have your child sing the song to you! Go to Here's our classroom newsletter for the week of August 20-24.
My parents were visiting from Chicago this weekend and they wanted to meet the students. So they came by on Friday and taught the kids about vegetables and fruits. Both of my parents are doctors and being that our administration is trying to make TES a very health-conscious school, they brought in a variety of fruits and vegetables to share with the students. I was so surprised how WELL they ate their veggies! Of course, most students liked the fruit, but I was shocked at how many DEVOURED the vegetables! We ate jicama, bell peppers, cauliflower, and more! It was a blast. If you have never tried jicama, the kids liked that one the best. It tastes kind of like a bland pear (same consistency of a pear, but it's basically flavor-less). They were such positive risk takers! If you are interested in coming and teaching the class about something you are really knowledgeable about, please let me know! We love to learn from each other! :)